Reward Management: Strategies for Success

Reward management is the introduction of policies and strategies that rewards every employee within the business fairly and consistently across the board. Rewarding employees for outstanding work makes them feel valued and can prove to be a powerful motivational tool that boosts productivity. The most successful reward management programmes provide employees with opportunities to elevate […]
Overpayment of Wages: Employer Rights

What are your options as an employer if there has been an overpayment of wages? The general rule is that if an employer has overpaid an employee, the overpayment of wages should be repaid even if the mistake was the employer’s. In other words, the employer is legally entitled to recover any salary overpayment from […]
UK Visa Options for Children: A Complete Guide
If you are an overseas national looking to move to the UK and would like your dependent children to accompany you, or you are already living in the UK and would like your children to join you once you are settled and have set up home, they will usually need a visa to do so. […]
Dealing with Unauthorised Absence from Work
Unauthorised absence from work can have a significant impact on your business, both in financial and operational terms. Given that these types of absence usually take place unexpectedly, it can be difficult to pre-empt or prevent this type of absence, or to make arrangements for temporary replacement staff to mitigate any disruption that might be […]
Reasonable Travelling Distance: Employer Guidelines
If your organisation is moving to a new location or you are asking an employee to transfer to another office or branch, a key consideration will be determining whether the distance the employee will have to travel to their new workplace is ‘reasonable’. Unfortunately, the rules on travelling distance for work are far from clear, […]
Exclusivity Clause: What Employers Need to Know
Ensuring that staff are available for work, and unable to work for competitors, can often be key to running an effective business. The following practical guide to exclusivity clauses looks at how these types of clauses can be used in the employment context, and when these are legally enforceable. What is an exclusivity clause? […]
How to Use the UK Immigration ID Check App
An important part of the application process when looking to extend a visa from within the UK, or to switch to a different visa, is to attend an appointment to provide evidence of your identity, and to submit your biometric information and supporting documentation. However, with advances in modern technology, it is now possible for […]
Further Leave to Remain: Complete Application Guide
If you are currently in the UK on one of the various family visas available to overseas nationals, you may be looking to extend your stay. How you apply for an extension will depend on your existing status; whether, for example, you are the spouse, partner or dependent child of a British citizen or settled person. In […]
TOIL Policy: Time Off in Lieu Rules
An effective TOIL policy can help ensure a consistent and legally compliant approach to managing time off in lieu for overtime. What is TOIL? TOIL stands for ‘Time Off In Lieu’. It refers to time off given to an employee to ‘replace’ any overtime they have already worked. Employees may earn the right […]
British Citizenship by Marriage: A Complete Guide
Marriage to a British citizen does not automatically grant the non-UK spouse British citizenship. British citizenship is attained by marriage through the process of naturalisation. This requires the non-UK spouse to meet eligibility criteria under the nationality rules and make a citizenship application to the Home Office. In this guide, we explain the requirements and […]