Changing a Job Description: UK Employment Law Guide

changing a job description laws uk

If managed correctly, changing a worker’s job description can help your organisation adapt its operations while improving morale and increasing the flexibility of your workforce. Employers are allowed to change workers’ job roles, provided there are contractual terms in the employment contract allowing them to do so, such as a flexibility clause, and the employee […]

HR Policies: Essentials for UK Employers

hr policies

As an employer, it is important to have HR policies and procedures in place that cover a range of operational and behavioural aspects of the organisation. This provides clarity and consistency across procedures, expectations and standards that benefits both employees and the organisation as a whole. Managing people takes time, energy and expertise, but by […]

Professional Relocating: Tips for Employers

sponsor licence

Deploying an employee or a team of personnel overseas is a task that requires a high degree of professional relocating expertise, including planning, and knowledge and contacts local to the destination. We look at some of the practical considerations for HR and global mobility teams responsible for implementing overseas relocation projects.   Relocation policy   […]

Whistleblowing Policy: Guide for Employers

whistleblowing policy

UK employees are entitled to certain protections if they make a disclosure in the public interest regarding their employer’s actions. For organisations, the most effective way to meet their legal obligations to protect whistleblowers is to implement a whistleblowing policy that ensures a consistent, effective and compliant approach to handling these complaints. In this guide, […]