Standard Terms & Conditions of Employment Contracts
Terms and conditions of employment refer to the key details that define the working relationship between an employer and an employee or worker. These terms are typically outlined in a contract of employment or a written statement of employment particulars, which is a legal requirement under the Employment Rights Act 1996. Employers must provide these […]
AI for HR: Risks & Opportunities
AI is set to fundamentally disrupt organisations, creating dynamic, ever-evolving workplaces. In the context of HR, AI presents both advantages and disadvantages, with the potential to reimagine HR roles, functions, strategies and operations. Benefits of AI for HR When it comes to the use of technology in any given context, there are both potential benefits […]
Absence Management: Strategies for Employers
Time lost due to employee absence costs employers, both in relation to the unworked hours and in the time needed to manage the absence, arrange cover and provide support where required on the return to work. But absences from work are an inevitable part of running an organisation, where staff may be off work for […]
Terminating Zero Hour Contracts: Employer Guidance
While zero-hours arrangements can bring flexibility and agility to an organisation, employers should be aware that those individuals engaged on zero-hours contracts do benefit from a range of employment law protections. These include rights and entitlements relating to pay, paid annual leave and rest breaks. Furthermore, individuals on zero hours contracts may also have the […]
Recruitment Tips for Employers
Given current levels of competition for talent, employers have to ensure their recruitment programmes are optimised to help select and attract the best candidates. But recruiting the right candidate for a vacant position can be a long and frustrating process. This process is also fraught with risk, not only in terms of finding the right […]
Nurturing Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Neurodiversity in the workplace refers to recognising and embracing the natural variation in human brain function, with conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia and other neurological differences embraced as unique ways of thinking, processing information and problem-solving that can bring valuable strengths to an organisation. Creativity, innovation, outside-the-box thinking, problem-solving skills, unique perspectives and […]