Accused of Bullying at Work: Guide for Employers

Bullying at work involves behaviour that is intimidating, degrading, or humiliating, and it can take many forms, including verbal abuse, exclusion, or spreading rumours. Employers may face situations where an employee is accused of bullying, requiring careful handling to address the issue effectively while maintaining workplace fairness. Accusations of bullying can present risks for employers […]
Employment Status: Types, Rights & Legal Guidance

An individual’s employment status will determine their employment rights and their employer’s legal obligations towards them. There are three types of employment status: employees, workers and those who are self-employed. Of these groups, employees have the most rights and entitlements in comparison to workers and the self-employed. In reality, there is not always agreement between […]
Warning: Skilled Worker Visa Holders Face Higher Salary Bar for ILR

Current Skilled Worker visa holders in the UK may face challenges in securing Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the future due to the increases in salary threshold requirements that took effect in 2024. Those who joined the Skilled Worker route before the 4th April 2024, and who are currently earning below the new thresholds, […]
Workplace Grievance Guide for Employers

A grievance is a formal concern or complaint raised by an employee about issues they experience in the workplace. Employees can raise a grievance at work because of a broad range of workplace problems where the employer’s actions, or those of a work colleague, are felt to have been unfair or unwarranted. These may relate […]
Malingering, Fake Illness & Disciplinaries

If an employee is genuinely sick or injured, they are entitled to take time off work to recover. If an employer suspects an employee of malingering, and that they may not be genuinely ill or as ill as they claim, the employer can take steps to deal with the concerns. Malingering, often referred to as […]
Reasonable Adjustments Examples for Employers

If an employee has a disability, an employer is required to make reasonable adjustments in the workplace to accommodate either their physical and/or mental health condition. This could include changes to policies or working practices, changes to the physical layout of the workplace, or the provision of extra equipment or support. In this article, we […]
Redundancy During Maternity Leave: Employer Guide
Redundancy is rarely straightforward, but the process presents additional if any of the affected employees are on maternity leave. The law recognises the vulnerable position of pregnant workers and those on maternity leave and affords them specific legal protections. This does not mean you cannot make workers redundant while on maternity, but employers have to […]
Global Mobility Employment Contracts Guide
Global mobility employment contracts are agreements that outline the terms and conditions for employees working across international borders. These contracts are essential for ensuring compliance with employment laws in both the UK and the host country, while also addressing key aspects such as tax obligations, social security, and employee benefits. UK employers face several risks […]
Bereavement Leave Guide for Employers
Bereavement leave is a period of absence granted to employees following the death of a loved one, enabling them to grieve and manage practical arrangements. The new Employment Rights Bill is set to introduce specific provisions for bereaved workers, but currently, as the law stands, it offers little clarity or certainty in relation to bereavement […]