International Move: How to Support Employees

International move


Overseas deployments can offer many benefits for both the employer and employee alike. For the employee, there is the opportunity to develop professional and personal skills and experience in a new environment and culture, while for the employer, commercial objectives can be achieved by deploying an existing employee with required skills, expertise or knowledge. Yet international relocations typically present practical challenges and risks, requiring employers to take certain measures to help prepare the employee for their international move.


Relocation policy for international moves


The foundation of any international move within the organisation should be the relocation policy forms the guidelines of how to arrange an employee’s international move, including:


  • Relocation package and assistance
  • Employee visit to the new location
  • Removals arrangement
  • Accommodation arrangements
  • School fees and arrangements
  • Cost of living allowances
  • Repatriation


As with any company policy, having a relocation policy in place allows both the employer and the employee to know what to expect from the relocation process.


Protect against culture shock


Even where the employee will relocate to a country that speaks the same language, the culture in that country is bound to be different to the culture at home. One of the easiest ways to ensure that the relocation will be a success is to help familiarise your employee with their new location.


Arrange a visit before an international move


Is it possible for the employee to visit the country they will move to before they relocate there? A brief visit will provide a first-hand experience of:


  • What it is like to live in that country
  • The neighbourhood they will live and work in
  • Where the local facilities are, e.g. where they will shop for their food, schools for their children to attend, and where they will fuel their car


If this visit can be combined with time spent with their new manager and co-workers, it can also form part of the introduction period to their new position.


Training for the employee


Whether a visit is possible or not, you as an employer with an overseas branch already have valuable knowledge on that country that you can impart to your employee. Arrange an education session or provide information for your employee about the new country, including factors such as:


  • The local area where they will live and work
  • Which language, or languages, are spoken in that country
  • Local customs, such as the perception of body language, hand gestures and clothing, or attitudes towards alcohol
  • Local laws, such as relating to taxation or public behaviour?/li>
  • Local transport system, for instance, what side of the road do they drive on and the availability of public transport
  • Local currency
  • Religious customs
  • Potential health issues, e.g. is it necessary to have certain jabs before entering the country?


You should also include information on their new workplace, managers and colleagues, and how that branch operates.


Encourage your employee to do their own research


Encourage your employee to carry out their own research on the country they will move to. They could also join relevant expat forums to find out about the experience of other people who have moved to that country. Expat forums can also be an excellent way to make connections in their new neighbourhood before the actual move.


Learning a new language


If the move is to a country where a different language is spoken, it is always advised to learn that language before relocating, even if that is only on to a basic level. You may wish to pay for lessons or resources for the employee to learn the language, possibly including this in the relocation package.

Once the employee has relocated, any language skills they have already developed are sure to be supported and improved by interaction with locals in that country.


Keeping communication lines open


Once the employee has moved abroad, your responsibility for their well-being doesn’t come to an end.

The initial period of settling in may not go as speedily or well as hoped, or other issues may occur further down the line that cause upset and stress.

Ensure that the employee has a point of contact to discuss any worries or concerns with, whether these are work-related or caused by their attempts to fit in to their new location.

Having someone to go to for advice can make the difference between an employee successfully forging their new career path overseas or wasting the employer’s financial investment in them by resigning their overseas post and returning to the UK.

Providing a regular line of communication, whether formal or informal, can ensure that the employee doesn’t feel abandoned and that the overseas position continues to operate successfully.


Support for the family


The success of the international move doesn’t simply rely on the how well your employee will operate in their new position, but also on how their family will acclimatise to their new life overseas.

If your employee will be accompanied by family members, encourage them to consider how the international move will affect their family.
Will their spouse or partner work or not? Will they need to retrain to carry on in their current career? Will they need to search for new employment, or can they similarly relocate to work for their current employer overseas? Will their children attend school or some other educational institution? Would it be advantageous for the whole family to visit the country before the move and learn a new language?

Play an active role in providing material and opportunities to educate your employee’s family on what life will be like in the new country. You may even wish to include family members on your employee’s visit to the new country pre-move.

It may also be helpful to provide information on settling in, such as:


  • Accommodation, e.g. accommodation search or provision of accommodation
  • Banking and utilities
  • Transport
  • Schools and education
  • Job search
  • Local facilities, e.g. food shopping and public transport



The international move


The relocation package should clearly state what is included and available to the employee and their family. It may be that the employee will arrange the move themselves, or you may arrange this for them in place of part of the relocation allowance.

Discuss with the employee exactly what the relocation package covers, for instance:


  • The move itself
  • Accompanying family and related arrangements
  • Relocation allowance
  • Accommodation and utilities
  • School fees
  • Car or other form of transport during their time overseas
  • Health insurance
  • Learning a new language
  • Cost of flights, regular and emergency
  • Cost of visas or other immigration documents


Where you are responsible for arranging the international move, research and arrange the move well in advance. 3 to 4 months is an advisable length of time.

It may be necessary to register your employee with the British Embassy branch local to their new location.
This is especially true where the international move has made it necessary for the employee to obtain a visa or other form of travel permission.


Repatriation after an international move


When an overseas placement comes to an end and the employee, and possibly their family, return to the UK, a similar approach should be taken.


Guard against reverse culture-shock


It might be assumed that returning to your home country and culture would be easy but that might not always be the case. For instance, where the employee has children who have been schooled overseas, returning to a British school or starting one for the first time could cause real problems and stress. Providing information on the British schooling system and which local schools the children could attend would be helpful. Encourage your employee to think how the return to the UK may affect them and their family and be available to provide information and help where required.


The move home


As with the original relocation package, you should make clear to the employee exactly what is included in the budgeted amount offered to cover their repatriation. Where your employee will arrange the move themselves, provide as much information as you can to help them. Where you are responsible for arranging the move, ensure you research and arrange the move to the UK in good time for the intended return date.


Life in the UK


What is your employee returning to? Do they own a home in the UK? Do they need to arrange rented accommodation? Help your employee and their family to settle back into life in the UK. This could take the form of assisting them in finding rented accommodation or educating them in changes to the law that may affect them.


Back to work


Where the employee will return to work in the UK, provide information on the organisation, their role, and any changes that have occurred during their time abroad. These could be:


  • Changes to management and other roles
  • Changes in management structure
  • Changes to the employee’s role
  • Changes to pay structures
  • Changes in the organisation’s vision and future plans
  • Changes in the organisation’s clients


Any such changes should be included in a welcome pack for the employee before they begin back at work.


Need assistance?


DavidsonMorris are experienced global mobility specialists, with expertise in supporting employers with international moves. We understand the difficulties of relocating personnel overseas, and the need to balance cost control with ensuring employees and their families are sufficiently supported to ensure focus on the commercial aim of the relocation.

If you have a question or need advice on any aspect of relocating personnel overseas, contact us.


International Move FAQs


What are the key legal requirements for relocating an employee internationally?

When relocating an employee internationally, you must ensure compliance with both UK and the host country’s immigration laws. This includes securing the appropriate visas and work permits, understanding tax obligations in both countries, and adhering to local employment laws.


How do I choose the right employee for an international move?

Selecting the right employee involves assessing their professional skills, adaptability, cultural awareness, and personal circumstances. It’s essential to consider their ability to work effectively in a different cultural environment and their willingness to relocate.


What support should I offer employees moving abroad?

Support should include comprehensive pre-move orientation, cultural training, assistance with housing, and ongoing support throughout the assignment. It’s also crucial to provide help for the employee’s family, including education and healthcare arrangements.


How can I ensure a smooth transition back to the UK after an international assignment?

To ensure a smooth repatriation, start planning the return well in advance. This includes reintegrating the employee into their role, offering support to readjust to UK life, and evaluating the success of the international assignment.


What are the financial implications of an international move for my business?

The financial implications include relocation costs, potential tax liabilities in both the UK and the host country, and possibly adjusting salaries to reflect the cost of living differences. It’s important to budget carefully and consider the long-term benefits of the move.


How can I manage the risk of an international move?

Mitigate risks by thorough planning, selecting the right candidates, providing strong support systems, and staying informed of legal requirements in both countries. Regular communication and monitoring of the employee’s well-being can also help manage risks effectively.


What cultural challenges might my employee face, and how can I help them prepare?

Cultural challenges may include language barriers, different working styles, and adapting to new social norms. You can help by providing cultural awareness training, language lessons, and encouraging them to learn about the local culture before the move.


Do I need a relocation service provider, and how do I choose one?

While not mandatory, a relocation service provider can significantly ease the process by handling logistics, housing, and other details. Choose a provider with experience in the destination country, a strong track record, and services tailored to your company’s needs.


How do I calculate the cost of an international move?

Costs to consider include visa fees, travel expenses, shipping of belongings, temporary accommodation, and possible tax implications. It’s important to get detailed quotes from service providers and include a contingency for unexpected expenses.


What should I include in an international move policy?

An international move policy should cover eligibility criteria, financial support, relocation services, legal requirements, and the process for both relocation and repatriation. It should also outline the company’s responsibilities and the employee’s obligations.




Term Definition
International Move The process of relocating an employee from one country to another for work purposes.
Visa An official document or stamp allowing a person to enter, leave, or stay in a country for a specified period.
Work Permit A legal document that gives permission for a foreign national to work in a specific country.
Repatriation The process of returning an employee to their home country after completing an international assignment.
Immigration Laws Regulations governing the entry, stay, and employment of non-nationals in a country.
Taxation The system by which a government collects money from people and businesses, particularly relevant in both the home and host countries for expats.
Double Taxation Treaty An agreement between two countries that prevents an individual from being taxed on the same income in both countries.
National Insurance A system of compulsory payments by employees and employers to fund various government benefits in the UK, including pensions and unemployment.
Employment Contract A legally binding agreement between an employer and an employee outlining the terms and conditions of employment.
Cultural Training Training provided to employees to help them understand and adapt to the cultural norms and practices of the host country.
Relocation Service Provider A company that specialises in helping individuals and businesses with the logistics of moving to a new country, including housing, shipping, and more.
Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) A salary adjustment made to account for differences in the cost of living between the home and host countries.
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) A regulation in the EU and UK law that governs data protection and privacy, particularly important when handling employee data across borders.
Expatriate (Expat) A person who lives outside their native country, often temporarily for work purposes.
Host Country The country to which an employee is relocated for their international assignment.
Home Country The country where the employee originally resides and is usually returning after the assignment.
Relocation Package A set of benefits provided by an employer to assist an employee with the costs and logistics of moving to a new country for work.
Reintegration The process of helping an employee adjust back to their home country and workplace after completing an international assignment.
Assignment Duration The length of time an employee is expected to spend in the host country as part of their international move.
Permanent Establishment A fixed place of business in a foreign country, which may subject the business to taxation in that country.




Founder and Managing Director Anne Morris is a fully qualified solicitor and trusted adviser to large corporates through to SMEs, providing strategic immigration and global mobility advice to support employers with UK operations to meet their workforce needs through corporate immigration.

She is a recognised by Legal 500and Chambers as a legal expert and delivers Board-level advice on business migration and compliance risk management as well as overseeing the firm’s development of new client propositions and delivery of cost and time efficient processing of applications.

Anne is an active public speaker, immigration commentator, and immigration policy contributor and regularly hosts training sessions for employers and HR professionals

About DavidsonMorris

As employer solutions lawyers, DavidsonMorris offers a complete and cost-effective capability to meet employers’ needs across UK immigration and employment law, HR and global mobility.

Led by Anne Morris, one of the UK’s preeminent immigration lawyers, and with rankings in The Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners, we’re a multi-disciplinary team helping organisations to meet their people objectives, while reducing legal risk and nurturing workforce relations.


Legal Disclaimer

The matters contained in this article are intended to be for general information purposes only. This article does not constitute legal advice, nor is it a complete or authoritative statement of the law, and should not be treated as such. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is correct at the time of writing, no warranty, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy and no liability is accepted for any error or omission. Before acting on any of the information contained herein, expert legal advice should be sought.

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