Breastfeeding at Work Guidance for Employers

breastfeeding at work


Employers play a pivotal role in ensuring that breastfeeding mothers feel supported and valued within the workplace. By adopting a proactive approach and establishing clear policies and procedures, employers can foster a welcoming environment where breastfeeding mothers can thrive.

In this article, we will explore the various considerations for employers when addressing breastfeeding requests from employees. We will delve into the legal framework surrounding breastfeeding accommodations, discuss best practices for creating a supportive breastfeeding environment, and provide practical tips for employers to effectively handle breastfeeding requests.


What does the law say?

In the UK, breastfeeding mothers have certain legal protections which are dealt with under general health and safety and sex discrimination laws. Under this legislation, employers have a legal duty to provide:

  • Health and safety protection
  • Flexible working hours and protection from discrimination
  • Rest facilities
  • Protection from harassment


How to support breastfeeding employees

Breastfeeding helps maintain the wellbeing of the returning employee and can avoid health problems such as mastitis or other related issues. But breastfeeding can sometimes be a sensitive issue and something employees may feel uncomfortable discussing with their employer or manager.

It is good practice for employers to talk with any employees who are breastfeeding about what they could reasonably do to help to ease the employee’s return to work from maternity leave. Employers may consider nominating a female member of staff to conduct these discussions if there is an issue of appropriateness or where the breastfeeding employee would feel more comfortable.

You will need to strike a balance between the needs of a breastfeeding employee, bearing in mind that it will only be for a temporary period, and any extra support or work their colleagues may have to do over this time to provide any necessary cover.

Enabling breastfeeding employees to continue to do so at work can encourage loyalty, and demonstrate to other workers, whatever their gender, that you support family-friendly policies. The organisation then benefits from the skills of the breastfeeding employee returning earlier than would have otherwise been the case, and greater employee morale and retention.


Creating the right environment

It is good practice to have a policy on breastfeeding at work setting out how requests from employees returning after maternity leave for changes to their working conditions will be treated. Having a policy will help you make fair decisions when handling a request, which must be handled in a way that avoids claims of sex discrimination or unfairness from employees.

If you have such a policy, you should make it known to your employees. It could form part of your maternity or flexible working polices, for example, rather than something stand-alone.

As with any employee request to temporarily adjust their working conditions to accommodate a domestic situation, a request to breastfeed at work should be treated no differently. Good practice dictates having discussions with other relevant and potentially affected members of staff around how such requests would impact on their job and how their duties may change for a short period.

Engaging with potentially affected employees will help you explain the business need for these temporary changes. Employee feedback also highlights any problems that may impact on the efficiency of the business and whether the request can be approved.

If the breastfeeding at work request is approved, you must guard against inappropriate behaviour towards an employee who is breastfeeding. This is achieved by getting the facilities right at the outset and also preventing ‘banter’ that the breastfeeding employee may find humiliating or offensive. Such banter could amount to unlawful harassment under the Equality Act 2010.


Getting your facilities right

Employers have a responsibility under the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 to designate ‘suitable facilities’ for a breastfeeding employee to ‘rest’. The Approved Code of Practice states that these facilities should be conveniently located in relation to sanitary locations and, where necessary, include a place to lie down.

It should not come as a surprise for the breastfeeding employee to request a private, hygienic, safe and secure area where breast milk can be expressed. This could be an unoccupied office or an area used for meetings that can be screened off. If you are in doubt about what to do, simply ask the breastfeeding employee what would be appropriate.

A word of caution: it would be highly inappropriate to expect your breastfeeding employee to use toilets or sick rooms because there may be a hygiene or health risk.

If, after careful consideration, you are physically unable to provide an appropriate space, you should discuss this with the employee to work out if there is an alternative or alternative facility. Sometimes, simple adaptations can be made at very little cost.


Fridge and storage

For those employees who live close to their place of work, breastfeeding may mean simply going home or to a nursery nearby to feed their baby. Alternatively, it could mean a relative or childminder brings the baby to the workplace to be fed. However, in most cases, it will probably mean the employee will express milk, which they will then store in a cool place. Expressing milk generally requires the use of either a manual or electric pump. The pump and bottles must be sterile so that the milk does not become contaminated, so it is essential that the breastfeeding employee has access to clean, hygienic facilities to express milk.

Most organisations have staff break areas that contain a cool area or fridge. Employers should think about where expressed breast milk could be stored safely. This might be in a re-sealable container for hygiene purposes. It is good practice to discuss any storage preferences the employee may have beforehand, so you can make the necessary arrangements.


Health and safety protection

If an employee’s working conditions stop them from breastfeeding, they may be able to argue their health and that of their child is being put at risk. Additionally, some hazardous substances can enter breastmilk and could pose a real risk to the baby. If your organisation brings an employee into contact with a dangerous substance, you should take applicable steps to make the job safe. If the job cannot be made safe, then the employee must be transferred to a suitable alternative role or suspended on full pay.

Under health and safety laws, employers who employ women of childbearing age, in addition to a general risk assessment, must carry out a specific risk assessment for expectant and new mothers arising from any working conditions, processes, or physical or biological and chemical substances. If the assessment reveals a risk, you must do everything reasonable to remove it or prevent the employee’s exposure to it. You must also give the employee information on the risks and what action has been taken or needs to be taken.

It is a legal requirement for employers to regularly review risks in the workplace, however there is no specific legal obligation to conduct a separate risk assessment for mothers intended to breastfeed on their return to work. or an employee returning from maternity leave. Despite this, employers are generally advised to carry out an assessment to ensure they are providing appropriate support for the mother and to determine whether any additional action needs to be taken.


Making and considering requests

You may first receive an informal request for breastfeeding at work as part of the usual Keeping in Touch (KIT) meetings which are held while the employee is on maternity leave. This gives you an opportunity to discuss how to manage this issue, consider the request, and prepare for the employee to return to work more easily and effectively.

You should make it clear how an employee should formally request the temporary changes, which should ideally include what changes are required, and suggestions as to how the business can accommodate them.


Considering requests for additional breaks

If you are going to consider any requests for additional breaks, you must do so objectively and reasonably against the likely impact any changes may have on your business. In any event, you should take care not to discriminate against breastfeeding employees. If you cannot grant additional breaks, you should think about extending the employee’s usual breaks, such as a mid-morning tea break, or leaving a little earlier in the day to minimise disruption to your business, for example.


Use of flexible working

Employees may request flexible changes to their working patterns for a variety of reasons, including allowing them to continue to breastfeed. A temporary change to working arrangements may help both the employer and the employee to meet their respective business and breastfeeding needs. Changes surrounding breastfeeding at work are likely to be temporary, and therefore a permanent change to an employment contract would not be applicable.

Employers may find it useful to include the needs of breastfeeding employees in their flexible working policy. This can help you to make objective, correct, and fair decisions. If after considering the request for breastfeeding at work you turn it down, you should set out the business reasons for refusal to the employee.


Supporting breastfeeding mothers at work


Regular reviews

It is good practice to hold regular reviews to monitor how the arrangements are working for breastfeeding mothers. However, the reviews should not be used to pressurise the employee to give you a timescale for return to their usual working practice. A breastfeeding employee may not know how long they will breastfeed for, and to some extent, it may be beyond their control. She may have initially planned to breastfeed for a year but could encounter physiological issues, which make it hard for her to continue. On the other hand, she may have intended to only breastfeed for a short time, but may find she changes her mind, or that her baby does not take to formula milk easily. In that case, she may end up breastfeeding for much longer than she initially planned.

In any event, the additional stress and anxiety for the employee created by either having to come up with a specific return date, or the creation of a time limit by an employer, may outweigh the benefit of getting back to ‘normal’.



An outright refusal to allow a breastfeeding employee to express milk or to adjust their working conditions which lets them continue to breastfeed could amount to unlawful discrimination. However, if the request has been considered objectively, discussed with the employee, and you still cannot accommodate any additional breaks without there being an unacceptable impact on the business, it is much less likely to constitute indirect sexual discrimination.

Good practice would be to deal with a request for breastfeeding at work in the same way you would for a temporary change to working conditions from any of your employees, for any reason.


Need assistance?

DavidsonMorris’ employment lawyers can help with all aspects of workforce management, including supporting employees returning to work after maternity leave. Working closely with our specialists in HR, we can advise on positive steps to support employee wellbeing and equality in your organisation, while minimising the legal risk of discrimination claims. For help and advice, speak to our experts.


Breastfeeding at work FAQs

Is breastfeeding allowed at work?

Employers are legally required to provide facilities for breastfeeding mothers to lie down and rest if they need to. However, there is no legal right for employers to provide breastfeeding breaks at work. But they must meet their obligations under health and safety law, flexible working and discrimination law.

What is a reasonable break time for nursing mothers?

The law does not require an employee to be given time off for breastfeeding, although there are some health and safety issues and possible breaches to discrimination laws that refusal could fall into.

Is it illegal to pump at work?

Employers should let you express milk at work if you wish. Although guidelines recommend you have access to a private, clean, comfortable room with a lockable door, which is not a toilet, there is no legal obligation to provide this space.


Last updated: 16 December 2023


Founder and Managing Director Anne Morris is a fully qualified solicitor and trusted adviser to large corporates through to SMEs, providing strategic immigration and global mobility advice to support employers with UK operations to meet their workforce needs through corporate immigration.

She is a recognised by Legal 500and Chambers as a legal expert and delivers Board-level advice on business migration and compliance risk management as well as overseeing the firm’s development of new client propositions and delivery of cost and time efficient processing of applications.

Anne is an active public speaker, immigration commentator, and immigration policy contributor and regularly hosts training sessions for employers and HR professionals

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As employer solutions lawyers, DavidsonMorris offers a complete and cost-effective capability to meet employers’ needs across UK immigration and employment law, HR and global mobility.

Led by Anne Morris, one of the UK’s preeminent immigration lawyers, and with rankings in The Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners, we’re a multi-disciplinary team helping organisations to meet their people objectives, while reducing legal risk and nurturing workforce relations.

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The matters contained in this article are intended to be for general information purposes only. This article does not constitute legal advice, nor is it a complete or authoritative statement of the law, and should not be treated as such. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is correct at the time of writing, no warranty, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy and no liability is accepted for any error or omission. Before acting on any of the information contained herein, expert legal advice should be sought.

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