For employers, appraisals are an important part of the performance management process, to ensure employees are meeting their objectives and performance expectations. It is also important to give employees the opportunity to discuss their perspective on their performance and to share their career aspirations, and discuss how the organisation can help the employee to realise these, such as through appropriate training or progression.

But for many managers, conducting an effective and engaging performance review may be considered one of the more challenging tasks on their annual calendar. With the correct preparation and a positive mindset, you can make your employees’ appraisals productive, stimulating and a boost to your own management self-confidence. At the same time, a performance appraisal can engage and invigorate your staff, leaving them motivated to achieve their new objectives and refocused on their next career progression goal.

In this guide for employers, we discuss the role of the appraisal and best practice advice to optimise the value of appraisals to your employees, to you as a manager and to the organisation as a whole.


Benefits of effective appraisals

From the employer’s perspective, effective performance reviews are an opportunity to:

  • Revive flagging motivation
  • Kick-start projects that may have fallen by the wayside
  • Reward productive employees with more responsibility
  • Deal with problems head-on
  • Set objectives for the future
  • Assess training needs
  • Learn more about the group dynamics of your team


Many people look forward to their performance appraisal and the feedback that they receive. This meeting is a chance for an employee to:

  • Gain recognition and reward (although appraisals are most definitely not pay reviews – these should ideally be handled separately)
  • Look ahead and set objectives that will aid their career progression
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Identify support you can provide
  • Resolve grievances
  • Seek reassurance and appreciation


Who conducts the appraisal?

Line managers usually carry out the performance appraisal. They are likely to have day-to-day contact and be aware of the employee’s performance. It is also common for senior management to see the results, so that they are kept up to date on staff progress.

Another option is the 360-degree appraisal system, where a variety of people who come into contact with the employee give written feedback on their performance. This could include their line manager, peers, staff working below them, and in some cases even customers and suppliers. It may give a broad picture of how the employee is performing, but it can also be time-consuming and costly, and needs to be handled sensitively.


Preparing for appraisals

Employees should know in advance what to expect during the appraisal. Ask them to prepare and complete any relevant documentation for discussion.

When filling in appraisal forms, try not to focus solely on the recent past. Feedback – both positive and constructive – should be given by managers on an ongoing basis and not held back for discussion at the appraisal. However, it helps to keep records of performance throughout the year, including occasions when the employee has been praised, or when problems have been addressed, which can be referred to.


During the appraisal

First and foremost, stick to the appointment. Whether your appraisee has been looking forward to the session with enthusiasm or trepidation, a postponement will cause disappointment. Show that you take your employee’s career seriously and that the appraisal is important to you too. If other people want to see you, put them off. Set the meeting for first thing in the morning to avoid being waylaid by other demands on your time.

As a guideline, allow an hour for the appraisal and hold all calls.

Start the appraisal with an upbeat, positive tone and warm greeting. Let the appraisee know that the conversation should be two-way, with their constructive, open and honest feedback critical to being able to discuss their achievements.

Then set the agenda. Explain the importance of the appraisal and that the purpose is to focus on the appraisee. A gentle reminder that salary is not on the agenda is not out of place, but be sensitive to individual circumstances.
Try to follow a logical order, ideally along the lines of your pre-appraisal form. The discussion should centre around:

  • A review of objectives set at the previous appraisal
  • What objectives were met? Is the appraisee deserving of special praise?
  • What wasn’t met? Why? Was extra help needed?
  • How much has the employee grown since the last review?
  • How does the appraisee view their role and contribution to the team?
  • Does the appraisee enjoy their job? What aspects do and don’t they enjoy?
  • How does the appraisee assess their skills? Do you agree? Is any upskilling required? Remember to consider soft skills as well as technical in this assessment.
  • Does the appraisee have a clear idea of their own role and the department’s role and how these contribute to the organisation’s overall success?
  • What career progression plans does the appraisee have? How will these be achieved?
  • Where could their development take them within the organisation?
  • What specific targets can you set for the year ahead? Can the targets be realistically met?
  • How will performance be measured?
  • What training needs are required to fulfil these objectives?
  • What other issues would the appraisee like to raise?

Ideally, you should focus on the appraisee’s performance and outcomes. Review their results and achievements and how well they met the objectives set in their last appraisal. Ask for examples of work rather than relying on anecdotal feedback.


Challenging discussions 

Confrontations can arise when delivering uncomfortable news. You may be required to spell out in no uncertain terms that the appraisee is failing in a particular aspect of their job. This could be as simple a matter as timekeeping or personal appearance, or more sensitive, such as competence at specific tasks or ability to get on with colleagues.
Regardless of the issue you need to address, it’s important to be prepared. Decide in advance of the meeting how you can best phrase your comments. Can you at the same time highlight positive points? Are you being constructive in your criticism? What suggestions can you present to show how these issues can be resolved?

In many cases, performance appraisals can progress positively until you ask the appraisee if they have any other issues to raise. This can open a can of worms that you were unprepared for, such as personal gripes about other members of staff, complaints about office ergonomics, accusations of unfair treatment and grievances about workload or resources. Many of these issues may seem of little significance to you in the grand scheme of things, but to the appraisee they can be apportioned enormous importance.

Some of these problem areas can be shrewdly predicted. For example, perhaps colleagues can tip you off beforehand. If you suspect any potential gripes, ensure these are discussed at the appraisal, even if a little coaxing is required to bring them out. Some people would rather let moans and groans fester, but this only serves to lower the team’s morale. Instead, tackle them head on. Your proactive approach may even work in your favour. An employee who continually complains about an issue may be taken by surprise and take a less confrontational view if you raise the issue first.

However, if it is you who is on the back foot, taken unawares by some unforeseen problem, you’ll need to think quickly on your feet. Ask the appraisee to give you specific examples rather than generalisations. Asking for evidence is not unreasonable. Listen carefully. What is the problem really about? Is the problem being raised a cover for something less sinister that can be easily handled? Is the appraisee embarrassed about something?
Asking the appraisee to suggest how the problem could be resolved can also help to diffuse the situation. Rather than focusing on the problem, ask them to give the matter some thought and offer rational suggestions to overcome the problem. For example, if the issue is one of resourcing or ideas, perhaps the appraisee could be given a special project to scope out a solution.

Obviously, if the complaint is of a more serious nature, such as harassment or discrimination allegations, further investigation will be required. Make it clear you take the matter seriously and will take the appropriate steps immediately following the conclusion of the appraisal. Then return to the main appraisal and concentrate on positive points


Set objectives

Towards the end of the appraisal, you should have an open discussion with the appraisee in which you set objectives to work towards before the next review period. Even the most high-performing employee has things they need to improve, new skills to learn, additional targets to meet or new projects to run. So, set realistic objectives, each with a timeframe for completion, and align them to the organisation’s or department’s goals as well as the employee’s career progression plan.


After the appraisal

Give employees a written copy of their new objectives, and keep one in their personal file. Some companies give their employees a copy of the appraiser’s comments and invite the employee to record any comments they would wish to add. Your employees have a right to access appraisal or performance review notes.

It is good practice to give the employee the right to appeal if they don’t agree with the appraisal and the opportunity to have this noted on their file.

The appraisal isn’t over when the meeting ends. Complete any documentation, write up your appraisal notes, including any actions that need to be taken to address issues raised, the objectives that were discussed and agreed to and the aspects of performance that have been done particularly well. It’s usual practice to ask the appraisee to review and sign the notes and provide them with a copy to help keep them accountable for achieving the agreed objectives.
Then you need to make sure the action points are completed. If you have committed to exploring further training or arranging meetings with other departments, for example, set up these sessions as soon as you can. If your employee has had a positive appraisal and is freshly motivated, the worst thing you can do is fail to follow up and appear less wholeheartedly behind their career than you were in the meeting.

Knowing how to appraise staff will ensure you approach these meetings with the right mental attitude, effective preparation and a commitment to constructive follow-up. This allows you to turn your staff appraisals into positive, inspiring and performance-enhancing meetings that will produce a beneficial outcome for both you and your employee.


Key takeaways for employers

Things you can do to make the appraisal more beneficial include:

  • Ask your employee to complete the appraisal form in full
  • Explain you will need the form back at least two days prior to the meeting to give you time to review it
  • Spend quality time analysing the appraisee’s comments
  • Review previous appraisal notes; what were the objectives set?
  • Review the notes you’ve kept about the employee’s performance since their last review period
  • Talk to other line managers and colleagues for their feedback on the appraisee’s performance
  • Talk to clients or suppliers for their feedback
  • Assess work completed and projects executed. Could they have been done better? What was done well?
  • Think about future departmental objectives – how can the appraisee contribute? How can you develop the appraisee to ensure they can help meet the required objectives?


To make the appraisal meeting as productive as possible:

  • Set aside enough time
  • Make sure the room you use is comfortable and that you won’t be disturbed
  • Open the meeting with positive comments
  • Use the appraisal form as a guide throughout the meeting
  • Discuss any objectives set at the last appraisal and whether they have been achieved – make sure it’s a two-way discussion
  • Remember that any feedback should be constructive
  • Agree further objectives together
  • Discuss and agree appropriate training which will assist the employee in meeting the incoming year’s objectives
  • Make sure the employee understands the next steps, such as a pay review or training programme
  • Always end the meeting on a positive note looking forward to the incoming year


Need assistance?

DavidsonMorris’ HR specialists work with UK employers on all aspects of workforce management, including guidance on performance reviews, reward and recognition. For expert advice specific to your organisation and personnel needs, speak to our experts today.


Appraisals FAQs

What is work appraisal?

Appraisals are a formal review of an employee’s performance at work. They should provide the employee the opportunity to discuss their career plans and any wider work concerns they may have.

What are the 4 types of appraisal?

There are several different styles of appraisal. Employers should provide guidance and training to managers to promote a consistent and effective appraisal approach which reflects the culture of the organisation.

What are examples of appraisal?

Appraisals should cover key performance and other measures required under the organisation’s performance management procedure, such as attendance, communication skills, time management and innovation and creativity.

Last updated: 17 September 2022


Founder and Managing Director Anne Morris is a fully qualified solicitor and trusted adviser to large corporates through to SMEs, providing strategic immigration and global mobility advice to support employers with UK operations to meet their workforce needs through corporate immigration.

She is a recognised by Legal 500and Chambers as a legal expert and delivers Board-level advice on business migration and compliance risk management as well as overseeing the firm’s development of new client propositions and delivery of cost and time efficient processing of applications.

Anne is an active public speaker, immigration commentator, and immigration policy contributor and regularly hosts training sessions for employers and HR professionals

About DavidsonMorris

As employer solutions lawyers, DavidsonMorris offers a complete and cost-effective capability to meet employers’ needs across UK immigration and employment law, HR and global mobility.

Led by Anne Morris, one of the UK’s preeminent immigration lawyers, and with rankings in The Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners, we’re a multi-disciplinary team helping organisations to meet their people objectives, while reducing legal risk and nurturing workforce relations.


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The matters contained in this article are intended to be for general information purposes only. This article does not constitute legal advice, nor is it a complete or authoritative statement of the law, and should not be treated as such. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is correct at the time of writing, no warranty, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy and no liability is accepted for any error or omission. Before acting on any of the information contained herein, expert legal advice should be sought.

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