Verbal Warning at Work Procedure

verbal warning

Verbal warnings are one of the potential outcomes of a workplace disciplinary procedure. For employers, it is important to understand how they should be used to avoid falling short of your obligations through a disciplinary procedure. In this guide for employers, managers and supervisors, we explain the process that should be followed when issuing a […]

Can A Vehicle Tracker Be Used In A Disciplinary?

vehicle tracker employer rules

Vehicle tracking can help to boost the efficiency and productivity of a business, especially in monitoring a driver’s location and managing a fleet from virtually anywhere. As well as providing valuable, operational data, employers may also look to rely on vehicle tracking information as part of a disciplinary investigation. Can a vehicle tracker be used […]

Dealing with Misconduct at Work

misconduct at work

Misconduct at work relates to behaviour deemed by an employer to be unacceptable in the workplace environment. Misconduct can have the effect of damaging a business’ reputation as a fair employer or a trustworthy company to deal with. It can cause damage to the property and belongings of the business and can lead to complaints […]

How Many Sick Days Before Disciplinary?

failure to disclose criminal conviction

When managing sickness absence, employers have to balance the duty to support and ensure the employee is supported and receives what they are entitled to, while ensuring the needs of their organisation are protected. In cases of long term sickness absence, there may come a point when the employer has to consider if the situation […]

Malingering, Fake Illness & Disciplinaries

malingering fake illness sickies

If an employee is genuinely sick or injured, they are entitled to take time off work to recover. If an employer suspects an employee of malingering, and that they may not be genuinely ill or as ill as they claim, the employer can take steps to deal with the concerns. The following guide looks at […]

Dealing with Allegations of Managers Bullying Team Members

allegations of bullying by managers

While strong leadership and management styles can be advantageous within the workplace, employers have a duty of care to ensure this does not develop into allegations of bullying by managers. Employers have a responsibility to protect the mental wellbeing of their workforce and this includes ensuring they are not subject to bullying or harassment, including when […]

Falsifying Documents in the Workplace

falsifying documents

Falsifying documents in the workplace is a serious matter, and would generally constitute misconduct and result in disciplinary action. It may also raise issues of dishonesty and breach of trust in the employment relationship, and depending on the facts, may raise potential regulatory and criminal breaches. The following guide for managers and HR looks at […]

Dealing With Insubordination At Work


Insubordination at work can be a serious matter, given its effect of damaging working relationships, undermining organisational authority and the potential to impact wider team morale. But does insubordination warrant disciplinary action? In this guide, we look at what insubordination at work means, with common examples of workplace insubordination and how employers should deal with […]

Employee Calling in Sick on Declined Holiday?

night shift rights

If an employee is genuinely ill or injured, they are entitled to take time off work by way of sick leave. However, it is not uncommon for an employee to fabricate illness or injury to get time off, sometimes as a result of a holiday request being declined by their employer. There are various scenarios […]

Termination of Employment Due To Custodial Sentence

Termination Of Employment Due To Custodial Sentence

What does it mean for an employer if one of their employees is convicted of a crime and sent to prison? In most cases, employers will jump straight to dismissal, terminating the employee’s contract, not least because the employee will no longer be available for work, but also due to associated issues such as bringing […]