Employment Tribunal Rules & Procedures

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If a workplace dispute cannot be resolved on mutually agreeable terms with an existing or former employee, you may find yourself defending a claim in the employment tribunal. This could be, for example, a claim for unlawful deduction of wages, unfair dismissal or unlawful discrimination. As an employer, by understanding the employment tribunal rules and […]

Conducting Remote Disciplinary & Grievance Hearings

Conducting Remote Disciplinary & Grievance Hearings

With remote working now standard practice across the economy, employers have had to adapt ways of working to accommodate the new normal. This raises specific workforce management issues, such as if and how disciplinary and grievance hearings can be conducted remotely.   The law on HR hearings For employers, it is a matter of ensuring […]

Working Under Protest (HR Guide)

A ‘working under protest’ scenario will often arise where an employee has lodged a formal grievance within the workplace following a contractual change to their pay or other terms, whilst preserving their right to take legal action against you. When an employee is working under protest, it is imperative as an employer that you seek […]

Dealing with a Malicious Grievance

Being on the receiving end of a complaint at work can be an extremely stressful and worrying time, especially where the grievance raised is vexatious, malicious and deliberately intended to make life difficult for you. Below we look at how to deal with a malicious grievance at work, either as an employer or senior employee, […]

Constructive Dismissal Examples (HR Help)

If an employee feels forced to resign because they’ve been mistreated at work, they may be able to claim constructive dismissal. As an employer, these cases can be costly and complex to defend, so being able to pre-empt any resignation decision can save you time and money. It can also help to safeguard a valuable […]