Aligning Global Mobility & Talent Management

Aligning Global Mobility & Talent Management

Organisations are under increasing pressure to demonstrate return on their global mobility programmes. Crucially, this entails taking the mobility function beyond the role of a reactive, operational service, to become a strategic driver delivering value across the organisation. This transformation however necessitates collaboration with wider business functions and areas of strategic importance. One area that, […]

Top 6 Business Travel Risks for Employees

Business Travel Risks

In a globalised market place, sending employees abroad has become an essential part of business. Global mobility policies, designed to manage business travel risks and ensure that a trip runs smoothly, are equally essential. The mechanics of international business travel have become so easy: pack your suit, don’t forget your passport and, before you know […]

Business Travel Compliance Risk (Travelling Employees!)

Business Travel Compliance Risk

International business travellers are the biggest cause of immigration compliance risk for organisations. Although they typically make up the largest proportion of an organisation’s global movement, the reality is, this cohort tends to fall under the radar of internal global mobility policies and programmes, meaning their movements are neither measured, nor monitored nor managed for […]

Managing Mobility Costs and Compliance

Mobility Costs and Compliance

The challenging economic environment has put pressure on businesses to explore new ways of facilitating overseas assignments with reduced mobility costs. Global mobility teams have been tasked with lowering their costs, just as other organisational functions have. But they have to do this while maintaining standards such as immigration compliance, and continuing to derive value […]

3 Ways Global Mobility Should Deliver Organisational Value

3 Ways Global Mobility Should Deliver Organisational Value

Competition for best talent continues to intensify on a global scale, against a backdrop of changing travel restrictions and increasingly stringent immigration policy. As such, organisations are more reliant than ever on global mobility functions to help navigate the environmental challenges and meet their people needs. We look at three key areas where global mobility […]

Improving Global Mobility Efficiency

Global mobility leaders, much like the rest of the business community, are under continued pressure to deliver operational efficiencies and make cost savings. But improving global mobility efficiency translates into benefits beyond cost reductions. Enhanced operational precision and accuracy creates more robust compliance practices, and alleviating demands on mobility professionals’ time enables focus on strategic […]

Overseas Work Permit (How to Get One!)

When looking at how to get an overseas work permit for an employee, there will be a number of factors to consider. This can be daunting for HR and mobility teams, given the highly changeable nature and varied nature of global immigration rules. One of the key requirements when deploying employees overseas on assignment is […]

Assignment Management (Overseas Management Risks)

Overseas assignment management is becoming increasingly common as employers move away from permanent relocations in favour of more flexible and less costly solutions to deploy key employees to different regions. Overseas assignments present both opportunities and risks for employers. While the move may be temporary, employees still require support both in terms of the logistics […]

Global Mobility Compliance (The Advantage!)

global mobility compliance

With an effective global mobility programme, your organisation can derive commercial advantage from deploying the right talent to the right location at the right time. But with movement of people across multiple borders comes global mobility compliance risks.   For multinationals looking to enhance their global mobility compliance and reduce risk exposure, the challenge is […]

Visa Requirements for UK Citizens

What are the visa requirements for UK Citizens travelling abroad? The British passport is often referred to as one of the most powerful in the world, with British citizens able to benefit from visa-free travel to 186 countries across the globe (as at 2018), third only to Japanese citizens who can travel to a record […]