Undermined at Work? Advice for Managers

Undermined at Work

Undermining behaviour is any action intended to make another person feel less significant than oneself, such as gossip, passive-aggressive remarks, or even direct criticism. In some cases, undermining management can constitute insubordination, which may result in a disciplinary procedure being pursued. For managers, it is vital to recognise these behaviours and learn how to deal […]

Mental Health Days at Work

While employees may not think twice about calling in sick due to physical illness, the same probably can’t be said for emotional or mental illness. When employees feel stressed, overwhelmed or anxious, this can lead to disengagement from work, a decrease in productivity, and a rise in workplace absence, disputes and conflict. Likewise, employees suffering […]

Good Managers Never Say These Things

Good Managers Never Say These Things

Managers play a critical role in defining an organisation’s culture and in inspiring and motivating their teams. Communication skills are one of the key aspects of management style. Where there is poor communication, employees can feel demotivated, their work effort and quality can suffer and they may decide to leave the organisation. The importance of […]

Why There’s Value in an Ethical Audit

Even where misconduct at work is stringently managed and whistleblowing encouraged, employers and HR managers should not underestimate the importance of conducting an ethical audit to help uncover any unscrupulous or illegal workplace practices that could impact the business. The following guide focuses on the reasons for and the ways in which to conduct an […]

How to Improve Teamwork in the Workplace

Effective teamwork in the workplace is much more than simply putting together a group of individuals to carry out a task or function. Rather, teamwork should be seen by employers as the process of uniting employees with compatible and complimentary skills to work together to a common goal. Why is teamwork in the workplace important? […]