How to Calculate Pro Rata Salary & Holiday

pro rata

Pro rata is a term derived from the Latin phrase “pro rata parte,” meaning “in proportion.” In the context of employment, pro rata refers to the proportional allocation of salary, holiday entitlement, or other benefits based on the actual time worked compared to a full-time schedule. This concept is particularly relevant for part-time employees, those […]

A 2025 Gender Pay Gap Reporting Guide

gender pay gap reporting

Gender pay gap’ refers to the difference between the average earnings of men and women across an organisation. The Gender Pay Gap Reporting Regulations were introduced in 2017 to make it a legal obligation for employers to take action to identify and publish any gender pay gaps within their organisation. Under the regulations, organisations with […]

Vaccination Policy (Employers’ Guide)

As organisations and individuals adapt to a new, post-pandemic normal, taking steps to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission and infection has become a universal fact of life. For employers, this has created a specific legal obligation in light of their duty of care to safeguard the health & safety of employees, customers and visitors. […]