Corporate destination services enable assignees to hit the ground running. We provide comprehensive relocation support.
Destination services can offer invaluable support for employees relocating internationally or undertaking cross-border assignments.
Employers are under an imperative to organise and coordinate international transfers of employees quickly and in a cost-effective manner. This includes ensuring the practical demands of starting a new life in a new country are met, as well as wider areas of support to reduce the stress and upheaval of relocating for assignees whose primary focus should be delivering the objective of the assignment.
But the reality is HR and mobility teams can struggle to manage the highly specialist demands of delivering effective destination services and supporting assignees through the transition process.
DavidsonMorris provide destination and relocation solutions for in-house mobility teams looking to relocate their personnel around the world.
Issues and complaints during the initial stages of an assignment can spell disaster for the longevity and likely success of the assignment, leaving employees feeling unsupported, impacting performance, morale and jeopardising the success of the assignment and the organisation’s return on investment.
Our team of mobility specialists can help with all destination-related requirements, risks and concerns throughout the assignment lifecycle, allowing employees to focus on their job, their family and settling into their new life.
Because each assignment is different, and employees have different needs and family situations, we tailor our service to provide support solutions where they are needed:
Our destination services combine specialist expertise, knowledge and global contacts to deliver area orientations, accommodation search, school finding and settling in solutions.
We assist employees with evaluating local options – for schools, housing etc – based on criteria such as location, budget, to support making the best selections, including arranging visits and viewings during any orientation trips.
To find out more about our destination services, speak to our specialists.
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