Understanding the EEA: Benefits for UK Citizens



The European Economic Area (EEA) is an international agreement that enables the extension of the European Union’s single market to non-EU member states.

Comprising the EU member countries and three of the four European Free Trade Association (EFTA) states—Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway—the EEA facilitates the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people within its boundaries. Switzerland, while not a part of the EEA, has similar agreements in place.

Although the UK is no longer a part of the EU, the EEA continues to influence various aspects of life and business. The EEA’s regulations and agreements still play a significant role in shaping the economic and social interactions between the UK and the EEA countries, making it crucial for UK citizens to stay informed about their rights and benefits within the EEA framework.


Section A: What is the EEA?


The European Economic Area (EEA) is an agreement designed to extend the benefits of the European Union’s (EU) internal market to certain non-EU countries.

Established on 1 January 1994, the EEA includes the EU member states and three of the four European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries—Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. This arrangement allows these countries to participate in the EU’s single market without being full EU members.


1. Role of the EEA

The primary purpose of the EEA is to promote economic cooperation and integration by enabling the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people across its member countries. This framework ensures that businesses and individuals in EEA member states can operate with the same advantages as those within the EU, fostering economic growth and stability throughout the region. By aligning their regulations with a substantial portion of EU legislation, EEA members ensure that their markets remain competitive and open.

The EEA’s structure is underpinned by a series of agreements that extend EU legislation to the EFTA states in areas relevant to the single market. This includes laws on consumer protection, environmental standards, company law, and social policy. While the EEA does not cover the EU’s common agricultural policy, fisheries policy, customs union, or common trade policy, it provides a comprehensive framework for economic integration in most other areas.


2. Countries in the EEA

The EEA consists of 30 countries: the 27 EU member states and three EFTA states—Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway.

The EU countries are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Switzerland, although an EFTA member, is not part of the EEA. Instead, Switzerland has negotiated numerous bilateral agreements with the EU to participate in specific sectors of the single market. These agreements allow Switzerland to benefit from certain aspects of the single market while maintaining its independence from the full regulatory alignment required by EEA membership.

For the EFTA countries, being part of the EEA offers substantial economic advantages. They gain full access to the EU’s internal market, which is one of the largest and most integrated markets in the world, without having to adopt the entirety of EU policies and regulations. This allows these countries to maintain a greater degree of political and economic autonomy while still benefiting from close economic ties with the EU. However, as part of the agreement, EFTA states are required to contribute financially to the EU budget and implement relevant EU legislation, though they have limited direct influence over the creation of this legislation.


3. EEA vs EU: Key Differences

The European Economic Area (EEA) and the European Union (EU) are both frameworks that facilitate economic cooperation and integration across Europe, but they differ significantly in scope, structure, and function.

The EU is a political and economic union of 27 member countries that have agreed to shared policies and governance structures. It includes a single market and a customs union, and its member states participate in common policies on agriculture, fisheries, regional development, and more. The EU also has its own currency, the euro, used by 19 of the member states, as well as institutions such as the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the European Court of Justice, which oversee legislation, enforcement, and judiciary matters.

In contrast, the EEA is primarily an economic agreement rather than a political union. It includes all EU member states plus three of the four European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries—Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. Switzerland, the fourth EFTA member, is not part of the EEA but maintains bilateral agreements with the EU. The EEA aims to extend the EU’s single market to these non-EU countries, allowing them to participate in the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people without full EU membership.

However, the EEA does not cover other areas of EU policy, such as the common agricultural policy, the common fisheries policy, the customs union, or the common foreign and security policy.

The regulatory and policy impacts differ significantly between the EEA and the EU. EU member states are required to adopt and implement all EU legislation, policies, and directives. They are fully integrated into the EU’s decision-making processes, including voting rights in the European Council and representation in the European Parliament. This means that EU member states have a direct role in shaping the regulations and policies that govern the union.

EEA countries, on the other hand, are required to adopt only the EU legislation related to the single market. This includes rules and standards on product safety, competition, consumer protection, and environmental regulations, among others. However, EEA countries do not have formal voting rights in the EU’s legislative bodies. While they participate in various EU committees and expert groups and can provide input, they ultimately do not have the same level of influence as full EU members. This creates a situation where EEA countries must comply with many EU regulations without having a direct say in their formulation.

One notable area of difference is trade policy. EU member states are part of a customs union, meaning they apply the same tariffs to goods imported from outside the EU and have a common trade policy. This includes negotiating trade agreements as a bloc. EEA countries are not part of this customs union, so they can negotiate their own trade agreements independently of the EU. However, this also means they must comply with rules of origin and other customs procedures when trading with EU countries, which can complicate trade relations.

Another key difference is financial contributions. While both EU and EEA countries contribute to the EU budget, the nature and scale of these contributions differ. EU member states contribute to the entire budget, covering all policies and programs, while EEA countries contribute primarily to programs and projects related to the single market and economic cooperation.


Section B: Post-Brexit Implications


The UK’s departure from the European Union on 31 January 2020 and the subsequent end of the transition period on 31 December 2020 marked significant changes in its relationship with the EEA.

Prior to Brexit, the UK, as an EU member state, was part of the EEA, enjoying the benefits of the single market, including the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people. Post-Brexit, the UK is no longer an EEA member, which has led to several changes in the legal and economic framework governing UK-EEA relations.

The Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), signed between the UK and the EU, now forms the basis of their relationship. While the TCA covers trade and various forms of cooperation, it does not replicate the depth of integration provided by the EEA. The UK no longer participates in the EU’s single market or customs union, meaning there are new barriers to trade, such as customs checks, tariffs on certain goods, and regulatory divergence.

The movement of people between the UK and EEA countries is now subject to immigration controls and visa requirements, unlike the previous freedom of movement.


1. Rights and Benefits that Have Changed for UK Citizens


Brexit precipitated substantial changes to the relationship between the UK and the EEA, affecting travel, work, education, healthcare, and trade.

While some agreements and arrangements mitigate the impact, new rules and regulations now govern interactions between the UK and EEA countries across areas such as:


a. Travel

One of the most noticeable changes for UK citizens is the new travel restrictions. UK citizens can no longer travel freely across EEA countries without considering visa requirements. They can visit Schengen Area countries for up to 90 days within a 180-day period without a visa, but for longer stays, work, study, or other activities, they now need appropriate visas or residence permits. This has made spontaneous or extended stays in EEA countries more complicated and subject to additional bureaucratic processes.


b. Work

UK citizens no longer have the automatic right to live and work in EEA countries. They must now obtain work visas, which can vary significantly depending on the country and type of employment. This change has made it more challenging for UK citizens to seek job opportunities in EEA countries, as employers must deal with immigration requirements that did not previously apply. Mutual recognition of professional qualifications has also become more complex, often requiring additional certifications or assessments.


c. Education

The end of free movement has also affected UK students’ access to EEA educational institutions. UK students are now considered international students, often facing higher tuition fees and different admission criteria. The UK’s withdrawal from the Erasmus+ program has further limited opportunities for UK students to study in EEA countries. While the UK has launched its own Turing Scheme to support international study, it does not fully replicate the Erasmus+ benefits.


d. Healthcare

Reciprocal healthcare agreements have also changed. UK citizens no longer benefit from the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) in the same way as before. However, the UK and the EU have agreed to continue certain healthcare arrangements, now provided through the Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC). This card offers similar benefits to the EHIC for necessary healthcare when travelling within the EEA, but it is crucial for UK citizens to understand the specific terms and conditions, as they may differ from previous arrangements.


e. Trade

For businesses, the post-Brexit landscape has introduced new challenges and opportunities. Trade between the UK and EEA countries now involves customs declarations, potential tariffs, and compliance with differing regulatory standards. Businesses have to deal with these new complexities to maintain their operations and market access. Some sectors may face significant adjustments, while others might find new opportunities for growth and international trade outside the EEA framework.


Section C: UK/EEA Interactions


Although the UK is no longer part of the European Economic Area (EEA) following Brexit, UK citizens can still pursue opportunities in the EEAs, provided they follow the relevant process and attain the required permissions.


1. Visa-Free Travel

UK citizens can enjoy visa-free travel to Schengen Area countries for short-term visits, which include tourism, business trips, and family visits. This visa exemption allows for stays of up to 90 days within a 180-day period. To take advantage of this, travellers need a valid UK passport that remains valid for at least three months beyond their intended departure date from the Schengen Area.

The Schengen Area currently includes the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. Notably, some countries are part of the European Union but not part of the Schengen Area, such as Ireland, which has opted out of the agreement.

When planning such trips, it is important to ensure you have comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, as healthcare arrangements may vary significantly across different countries. While short visits are relatively straightforward, longer stays and special purposes such as work, study, or joining family members require additional steps and documentation.

For stays exceeding 90 days, or if the purpose of your visit involves employment, education, or family reunification, a visa or residence permit will be needed.

Each EEA country has its own set of visa criteria and procedures, so you will first need to check the specific requirements of the country you intend to visit.


2. Employment in EEA Countries

With a job offer in an EEA country, you will need to apply for the relevant work visa or permit.

Each EEA country has its own visa types and requirements, so understanding what is needed for your situation is important. This will involve gathering all necessary documents and ensuring they are in order for the visa application process.

Your application should be submitted to the embassy or consulate of the EEA country where you will be working. During this process, you may be required to attend an interview or provide additional information as requested by the immigration authorities.


3. Access to Educational Institutions

UK students now face new requirements when considering studying in most EEA countries. You will likely need to apply for a student visa, with visa requirements and application processes varying by country.

UK students may also encounter higher tuition fees compared to their EU counterparts in some EEA nations. Access to student loans and grants could also be limited, often restricted to domestic students or those with permanent residency in the EEA country.

In addition, student visa applicants may also be subject to language proficiency requirements for their chosen course or country.


4. Access to Healthcare Services

To access medical care in EEA countries at reduced costs or for free, UK citizens should apply for a Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC). This card provides essential medical treatment under the same conditions as residents of the country you are visiting.

To apply for a GHIC, you need to provide proof of UK residency and personal identification details. The application process can be completed online through the official NHS website. Once you receive your GHIC, it is important to carry it with you while travelling in the EEA to ensure you can access healthcare services when needed.

In addition to the GHIC, comprehensive travel insurance is highly recommended. Although the GHIC covers necessary medical treatment, it does not include all potential health-related costs, such as repatriation.


Section D: EEA Legal Framework


The European Economic Area (EEA) extends the EU’s single market regulations to include three EFTA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway.

Following Brexit, UK citizens and businesses interacting with EEA countries must deal with a range of regulations that ensure a consistent legal and economic framework across the EEA’s member states, including:


a. Employment Rights: Regulations governing the recognition of professional qualifications, social security coordination, and access to the labour market in EEA countries.

b. Residency Rights: Rules on how UK citizens can reside in EEA countries, including the need for residence permits and compliance with local residency laws.

c. Product Safety: Regulations ensuring that products sold in the EEA meet stringent safety standards. UK exporters must ensure their products comply with these standards.

d. Consumer Rights: Laws that protect consumers in the EEA, such as the right to return goods purchased online within a specified period and the right to a refund or replacement for faulty products.

e. Sustainability Requirements: Regulations on environmental protection, including waste management, recycling, and emissions standards. Businesses must comply with these regulations to operate in the EEA.

f. GDPR Compliance: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to any business processing the personal data of individuals in the EEA. UK businesses must ensure they comply with GDPR when handling EEA citizens’ data.

g. GHIC/EHIC Use: Rules governing the use of the Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) and the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) for accessing healthcare services while in the EEA.


1. Compliance for UK Businesses


To operate effectively within the EEA, UK businesses must adhere to various compliance requirements:


a. Product Standards and Certifications

UK businesses exporting products to the EEA must ensure their products bear the CE marking, indicating compliance with EEA standards for safety, health, and environmental protection.

Certain products may also require conformity assessments by recognised bodies to verify they meet EEA standards.


b. Data Protection Compliance

Businesses must implement data protection policies that align with GDPR requirements, including obtaining consent for data processing, ensuring data security, and facilitating data subject rights.

When transferring personal data from the EEA to the UK, businesses must use approved mechanisms such as Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) to ensure data protection continuity.


c. Environmental Compliance

Businesses must comply with EEA environmental regulations, such as emissions controls and waste management protocols. This may involve adjusting manufacturing processes or adopting new technologies to meet standards.

Companies may also need to report their environmental impact to EEA regulatory bodies, demonstrating their compliance with relevant laws.


d. Employment Practices

UK businesses employing staff in EEA countries must ensure they have the necessary work permits and comply with local employment laws.

Employers must verify that employees’ qualifications are recognised in the EEA country of operation.


2. Compliance For UK Citizens


Since the UK left the EU in 2020, most EEA regulations no longer directly apply to UK citizens. However, there are some residual effects and ongoing negotiations that can impact UK citizens in various ways.


a. Residency and Work Authorisation

UK citizens must obtain the appropriate visas or residence permits to live and work in EEA countries. This involves providing documentation such as proof of employment, financial means, and health insurance.

Upon arrival in an EEA country, individuals may need to register with local authorities, demonstrating their right to reside and work there.


b. Healthcare Access

Individuals must carry their GHIC when travelling to EEA countries to access necessary medical care. It’s important to understand the scope of coverage and any additional insurance requirements.


c. Consumer Rights Awareness

Individuals should familiarise themselves with local consumer protection laws, including return policies and warranty rights, to ensure they can effectively exercise their rights when purchasing goods and services.


d. Tax Compliance

UK citizens residing or working in EEA countries must comply with local tax laws, which may involve registering with tax authorities, filing returns, and paying taxes on income earned within the EEA.


Section F: Summary


The post-Brexit period has been marked by significant changes in the relationship between the UK and the EEA. This requires individuals and businesses to stay informed about the new regulations and rules and take the necessary steps to comply with them, both to avoid potential issues and to benefit from the opportunities available within the EEA.

While this period of change presents challenges, it also offers new opportunities. By being well-prepared and informed, UK citizens and businesses can approach these changes with confidence and continue to engage with the EEA successfully.

For the most up-to-date and accurate information on how EEA regulations might affect you, check the official UK government website or the relevant embassy/consulate website of the relevant EEA country.


Section G: FAQs About EEA and UK Citizens


What is the EEA?
The European Economic Area (EEA) includes EU member states and three EFTA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. It extends the EU’s single market, allowing for the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people within the area.


How does Brexit affect UK citizens’ access to the EEA?
Post-Brexit, the UK is no longer part of the EEA. UK citizens now face new travel, work, and residency requirements when dealing with EEA countries, including visa and permit applications.


Can UK citizens still travel to EEA countries without a visa?
UK citizens can travel to Schengen Area countries for short stays of up to 90 days within a 180-day period without a visa. Longer stays or activities such as work and study require appropriate visas.


What are the requirements for UK citizens to work in EEA countries?
UK citizens need a job offer and must apply for a work visa or permit specific to the country of employment. They must comply with local employment laws and provide documentation such as employment contracts and proof of qualifications.


Are UK qualifications recognised in the EEA?
Recognition of UK qualifications may vary by country and profession. It’s important to check specific recognition requirements and, if necessary, undergo additional assessments or certifications.


How can UK students study in EEA countries?
UK students need to apply directly to educational institutions and obtain a student visa if accepted. They may face higher tuition fees as international students and should check for available scholarships or financial aid.


How do UK businesses comply with EEA regulations?
UK businesses must ensure their products meet EEA standards, obtain necessary certifications (like CE marking), comply with GDPR for data protection, and adhere to environmental and employment regulations.


Can UK citizens still retire in EEA countries?
They need to apply for the relevant permission, such as a residency permit, and comply with local residency laws. They may still access healthcare and receive UK pensions but must understand the specific requirements and benefits of the host country.


What are the tax implications for UK citizens living in the EEA?
UK citizens must comply with the tax laws of the EEA country in which they reside. This often involves registering with local tax authorities, filing returns, and paying taxes on income earned in that country.


Are there any post-Brexit agreements between the UK and EEA regarding trade?
The UK and the EU have a Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), which outlines the terms for trade, including customs procedures and tariffs. While not as comprehensive as EEA membership, it facilitates trade between the UK and EEA countries.


How can UK citizens apply for visas to EEA countries?
UK citizens should check the specific visa requirements of the EEA country they intend to visit or move to. Applications are usually submitted through the embassy or consulate of that country, with required documentation varying by visa type.


Can UK citizens still participate in EU-funded research programs?

A14: Post-Brexit, UK participation in some EU-funded research programs has changed. While the UK is no longer part of Erasmus+, it continues to engage in Horizon Europe, allowing researchers to collaborate in EU projects.


How can UK citizens ensure compliance with GDPR when dealing with EEA citizens’ data?
UK businesses must implement GDPR-compliant data protection measures, including obtaining explicit consent for data processing, ensuring data security, and facilitating the rights of data subjects.


Section H: Glossary


European Economic Area (EEA): An international agreement that allows for the extension of the European Union’s single market to non-EU member states Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway.

Brexit: The withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU), which took place on 31 January 2020.

Schengen Area: A zone comprising 26 European countries that have abolished passports and other types of border control at their mutual borders.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): A regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the EU and EEA, which also addresses the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA.

Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs): Legal tools to ensure that personal data leaving the EEA will be transferred in compliance with EU data protection laws.

CE Marking: A certification mark that indicates conformity with health, safety, and environmental protection standards for products sold within the EEA.

Erasmus+: An EU program to support education, training, youth, and sport in Europe, facilitating international student exchanges and collaborations.

Horizon 2020: An EU Research and Innovation programme aimed at securing Europe’s global competitiveness, replaced by Horizon Europe.

Visa-Free Travel: The ability to travel to certain countries without the need to obtain a visa, often subject to specific duration and purpose of stay limits.

Work Visa/Permit: An authorisation that allows an individual to work in a foreign country, typically requiring a job offer and various supporting documents.

Residency Permit: A document or card required in some countries that grants an individual the right to live in that country for a specified period.

Environmental Standards: Regulations and criteria aimed at protecting the environment, including controls on emissions, waste management, and resource sustainability.

Product Standards: Standards ensure that products meet certain requirements for safety, quality, and performance, often indicated by certifications such as CE marking.

Reciprocal Healthcare Agreements: Agreements between countries that allow citizens to receive medical treatment in another country on the same terms as the local population.

Social Security Coordination: Systems in place to coordinate social security benefits such as pensions and healthcare for individuals moving between EEA countries.

Consumer Protection Laws: Laws designed to protect consumers from unfair trade practices, ensure product safety, and grant rights such as refunds and returns.

Tax Compliance: Adhering to the tax laws and regulations of a country, including filing returns and paying any due taxes.

Recognition of Qualifications: The process by which one country acknowledges and accepts the educational or professional qualifications obtained in another country.


Section I: Additional Resources


UK Government Guidance on Brexit 



UK Government – Living in Europe


European Union – The Schengen Area


NHS – Healthcare Abroad


Erasmus+ – Opportunities for Individuals


Your Europe – Travel and Work


European Commission – Data Protection (GDPR)


EFTA – European Free Trade Association




Founder and Managing Director Anne Morris is a fully qualified solicitor and trusted adviser to large corporates through to SMEs, providing strategic immigration and global mobility advice to support employers with UK operations to meet their workforce needs through corporate immigration.

She is a recognised by Legal 500and Chambers as a legal expert and delivers Board-level advice on business migration and compliance risk management as well as overseeing the firm’s development of new client propositions and delivery of cost and time efficient processing of applications.

Anne is an active public speaker, immigration commentator, and immigration policy contributor and regularly hosts training sessions for employers and HR professionals

About DavidsonMorris

As employer solutions lawyers, DavidsonMorris offers a complete and cost-effective capability to meet employers’ needs across UK immigration and employment law, HR and global mobility.

Led by Anne Morris, one of the UK’s preeminent immigration lawyers, and with rankings in The Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners, we’re a multi-disciplinary team helping organisations to meet their people objectives, while reducing legal risk and nurturing workforce relations.

Read more about DavidsonMorris here


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The matters contained in this article are intended to be for general information purposes only. This article does not constitute legal advice, nor is it a complete or authoritative statement of the law, and should not be treated as such. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is correct at the time of writing, no warranty, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy and no liability is accepted for any error or omission. Before acting on any of the information contained herein, expert legal advice should be sought.

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