UK Manufacturing

We deliver strategic consultancy and managed services to manufacturing companies of all sizes across employment and immigration law, and HR and global mobility

Manufacturing industry expertise

As employer solutions lawyers, we help ensure our clients’ HR, immigration and global mobility programmes are both fully compliant with their legal obligations and effective in supporting the organisation’s people-led business objectives.

We have extensive experience within the UK manufacturing industry and are fully immersed in the organisational, talent, human resource and mobility challenges facing business leaders and HR in this sector.


Employer solutions for UK Manufacturing

We help employers:

  • Mobilise highly skilled, specialist talent across the globe
  • Streamline people processes across the employee lifecycle
  • Manage emergency visa applications
  • Improve the recruitment and retention of high-calibre staff
  • Develop progressive reward and bonus schemes
  • Meet employment, immigration compliance and right to work obligations
  • Enhance internal support functions through training and professional development programmes

Talent mobility & management challenges in UK manufacturing

Across the manufacturing sector, vacancies abound, exceeding 400,000 in skilled and unskilled roles, from engineers and production line workers to welders and machine operators. This understaffing manifests in production delays, reduced output, and even potential closures, stifling growth and job creation.

Why International Talent Matters

The UK manufacturing sector relies heavily on international talent to fill crucial gaps in the workforce. This dependence stems from several factors. Many specialised manufacturing roles, like CNC machinists or robotic technicians, require skills in short supply domestically.

Competing in a global marketplace necessitates a diverse workforce with knowledge of international processes and cultural understanding. And an aging workforce and declining interest in STEM education has created a gap that international talent can readily fill. And 

However, a restrictive and complex system is hindering manufacturers’ ability to recruit and retain skilled workers, jeopardising not only individual businesses but the entire industry’s competitiveness and future.

 The points-based system for work visas makes sponsoring foreign workers expensive and cumbersome, especially for lower-skilled positions.

The SOL, which lists professions facing skills shortages, doesn’t adequately reflect the sector’s needs. Many critical roles are excluded, limiting the talent pool.

Post-Brexit uncertainty has seen EU nationals, previously a significant part of the workforce, face visa uncertainties, discouraging long-term commitments and creating staffing instability.

These immigration challenges contribute to the manufacturing sector’s talent gap. Unfilled positions and overworked staff limit production capacity and stifle innovation, hampering the sector’s competitiveness.

A perception of being closed to international talent can deter skilled workers and discourage investment in the UK manufacturing industry.

The inability to access skilled international talent weakens the UK’s edge in global supply chains and hinders export opportunities.

A thriving manufacturing sector relies not only on technological advancements and robust infrastructure but also on a diverse and accessible workforce.

We are helping employers navigate the complex immigration system to mobilise talent and meet skills needs. 


UK immigration services for manufacturers

Our team of leading UK immigration solicitors help companies with all aspects of their UK immigration needs.

Through our strategic advice and managed migration services, we operate in support of inhouse HR teams or on a fully outsourced basis to ensure you operate competitively and in full compliance when employing overseas workers. Clients benefit from access to our immigration solicitors via a dedicated telephone support line, available weekdays from 8.30am – 6.00pm.



Employment law services for manufacturers

Our employment lawyers works with employers of all sizes to provide ongoing employment law advice, representation and strategic risk management guidance.

We offer specialist, fixed fee employment law services including access to unlimited telephone advice.


HR support for manufacturers

Our team of highly experienced HR consultants support employers to improve the performance of their HR function and enhance the overall impact of HR projects.

We combine deep industry knowledge with technical expertise to help employers in the tech sector drive commercial performance through a transformative approach to human resource planning, management and development.


Global mobility services for manufacturers

We help ensure our manufacturing industry clients’ global mobility programmes are both fully compliant with immigration requirements and effective in supporting commercial operations. We understand the challenges involved in managing a global workforce and provide expert guidance to help reduce risk while deriving maximum value and return from mobility programmes.

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