How to Reduce Absenteeism at Work

reduce absenteeism


Absenteeism refers to an employee’s habitual absence from work, often without valid reason or prior approval. It can significantly impact workplace productivity, morale and operational costs.

Employee absenteeism costs UK employers billions of pounds each year in lost working days, temporary replacement staff and sick pay.

For UK employers, addressing absenteeism is an important aspect of workforce management, ensuring business continuity while supporting employee wellbeing.

High levels of absenteeism can stem from a variety of factors, including health issues, workplace stress, lack of engagement, or personal problems. Employers must identify patterns and underlying causes to implement effective solutions. A proactive approach that balances operational needs with employee support can help reduce absence rates.

Having a clear and well-communicated absence management policy is essential. The policy should outline procedures for reporting absences, provide guidelines for return-to-work interviews, and set expectations for attendance. Employers should also ensure compliance with legal obligations, including reasonable adjustments for employees with disabilities under the Equality Act 2010.

In this guide, we look at strategies and approaches employers can take to reduce absenteeism due to illness, by safeguarding workforce wellbeing and creating a positive and productive workplace culture.


A proactive approach to reducing absenteeism


Employers that take a proactive approach to, and invest in, the health and wellbeing of their employees can expect to see financial savings through a reduction in unauthorised absences, and in repeated and prolonged periods of sick leave through either work-related stress or workplace avoidance.

You should also expect to see improvements in overall productivity and performance within the workplace. In particular, a happy and healthy workforce will not only help to reduce absenteeism, but is also likely to reduce the problem of presenteeism – where an employee attends work but in a wholly unfocused and disengaged way that limits how they perform.

A positive working environment in which an employee feels valued and appreciated is much more likely to lead improved employee engagement, and can be one of the most effective ways of reducing the problems of both presenteeism and absenteeism.


What are the causes of employee absenteeism?


When looking at how to reduce absenteeism, it is helpful for employers and management to understand the causes of staff absences, including the reasons for unusually high rates of absenteeism in your workplace.

The most common cause of absenteeism is illness, namely, where an employee is suffering from a genuine medical condition that means they are physically or mentally unfit for work. Needless to say, in the majority of these cases, this will be entirely outside your control and will usually only relate to a limited number of individuals at any given time.

In other cases, however, sickness-related absence may be caused or contributed to by work-related stress arising from an overload of pressures and the demands placed on an individual on a day-to-day basis, including excessive workloads, constant deadlines or an individual undertaking too much responsibility.

This type of stress and burnout could also result from a lack of support from colleagues or management, or some form of conflict and confrontation at work, including bullying and harassment. An employee may even be taking sick leave to actively avoid tensions within the workplace.

Indeed, where there are high rates of absenteeism, this is much more likely to be linked to an unhappy and unmotivated workforce, arising either from a negative working environment or poor working conditions.


The impact of absenteeism


In circumstances where your organisation is suffering from high rates of absenteeism, you will need to take steps to identify and address potential causes of the problem. 

By failing to take adequate steps to ensure the wellbeing of your workforce, as well as any individual employees with recurring or prolonged absences from work, this could not only result in the loss of valuable members of staff, but could also expose you to grievances and claims from disgruntled employees for any alleged failings.

Needless to say, high rates of absenteeism are also likely to impact on the morale and wellbeing of those employees left to burden any additional workload, possibly resulting in even further absences from work, and a much greater loss of staff, with associated recruitment costs to replace those that leave.

Accordingly, in addition to the short-term financial cost to your business caused by lost working days, any temporary replacement staff and sick pay, in the long-term, the overall economic and operational consequences of absenteeism can be potentially significant for your organisation.


Steps to reduce absenteeism


Given the potential and serious consequences of high rates of absenteeism for your business, both in the short and long-term, it is crucial to take steps to prevent additional absences from work and to reduce absenteeism in the workplace.

In particular, it is important to create a positive working environment in which employees feel valued and supported, and to implement policies and procedures that safeguard their rights, not only in the context of sickness-related absences, but in dealing with the daily pressures of the job, and in addressing any workplace issues or conflict, that can so often lead to work-related stress.

There are a number of ways that you can help to reduce absenteeism, several of which are discussed below, although this list is by no means exhaustive:


Up to date absence policy


If your organisation does not already have one, implementing an absence policy can help you not only to measure the rate and types of absences within your workplace, it can also help you to reduce absenteeism.

In particular, by carefully documenting absences from work you can begin to identify any recurring pattern of short-term or long-term absenteeism relating to certain individuals, teams or even the workforce as a whole. In this way, you can monitor any absences from work, the reasons for these and, where necessary, take steps to support an employee’s return to work, such as through a return to work interview.

Managers should also be directed on how to deal with absences which are not to be included within trigger measures, such as pregnancy-related or disability-related absences, to avoid unlawful discrimination.

Further, by setting out how you propose to deal with workplace absence, and by providing clear procedures to follow when an employee is absent from work through sickness, or otherwise, this can help to avoid unauthorised absences.

Your absence policy should explain how an employee should notify you of any absence, when and at what stage evidence of incapacity is required, typically, a fit note from the employee’s GP, and the use of return to work discussions. In many cases, especially following a prolonged absence, an employee’s manager should discuss their absence on their return to work to establish the reason for that absence, what can be done by their employer to help, and whether the employee is actually fit enough to return to work.

Your policy should also contain information about how you will follow up on repeated absences and the potential repercussions for excessive or long-term absenteeism.


Making reasonable adjustments


As an employer, by virtue of the Equality Act 2010, you are already under a statutory duty to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that any employee who is suffering from a disability is not substantially disadvantaged in doing their job.

As such, you must always consider what steps you can take to assist any employee suffering from a long-term physical or mental impairment with their return to work. This could include adjustments to an individual’s working conditions, such as amended duties, altered hours or a phased return. It could also include workplace adaptations, such as the provision of specialist equipment, like an ergonomically designed chair or keyboard.

That said, even where an employee is not suffering from a long-term impairment amounting to a disability under the Act, you may still want to consider what adjustments you can make to reduce absenteeism in the first place, or to assist any employee in their return to work after a prolonged period of sick leave.

The employee’s fit note should set out the nature of the condition for which the employee has been absent and indicate what changes may need to be made to support their return to work.


Supportive line management


Ongoing and regular welfare and performance discussions between line managers and team members can help to identify and resolve potential issues early.

Through regular performance reviews, you will have the opportunity to inquire after an employee’s wellbeing within the workplace, regardless of whether or not they have been absent from work. Equally, the employee will be given the chance to voice any concerns, and to confidentially discuss any professional or personal matters that could be affecting their performance at work, including their general health and happiness.

You may also be able to pre-empt any potential absenteeism by exploring ways in which you can support an employee who is struggling with their job either due to physical or mental health problems, or where work-related factors are causing or contributing to their poor health.

While managers are not expected to provide expert medical advice, they should signpost employees to professional support services.

In larger organisations, where you have access to occupational health services, you may need to make a referral where an employee is reporting or displaying signs of work-related stress, or any other symptoms of illness. This will allow for appropriate recommendations to be made on what adjustments could be considered to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for that employee.

For smaller businesses, there may not be the resources to refer an employee to on occupational health specialist. Nonetheless, as the employer, you are still under a duty to ensure the health, safety and welfare of your employees.

As such, at all times, you should endeavour to ensure that employees are not exposed to a negative working environment or poor working conditions that may be causing or contributing to their poor health. In this way, you will also ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to reduce absenteeism.


Reduce workplace stress


Work-related stress is one the main causes of absenteeism within a workplace. This can relate to a number of factors, from an overload of pressures and the demands of the job, to conflict and confrontation between co-workers, or between an employee and their line manager.

By adopting a proactive approach towards wellbeing, and by offering potential solutions to alleviate any workplace pressures, you may be able to prevent symptoms of workplace stress from escalating into a more serious and chronic condition. Accordingly, you may be able to reduce the possibility of recurring and prolonged absences from work caused by anxiety or depression.

You may also be able to reduce the occasions on which sick leave is used to avoid tensions within the workplace, or other forms of unauthorised absence.

There are various way in which you can seek to reduce workplace stress:


  • Encourage open communication: by encouraging open communication, employees should feel able to discuss their concerns and disclose any health and welfare problems, allowing you to intervene at an early stage to pre-empt any potential absenteeism.
  • Introduce a mental health day: by introducing a mental health day to be taken as paid sick leave, this is likely to reduce the chances of an employee lying about being sick, taking unauthorised absences or being present at work but unfocused and disengaged. Mental health is an important issue that should be openly recognised.
  • Introduce mental health first aid: this is a nominated individual who provides mental health-specific support to employees.
  • Implement a wellbeing programme: by implementing a wellbeing programme this will show your employees you care about their health and happiness which, in turn, is likely to lead to improved employee engagement and reduced absenteeism. This could include wellbeing days at work, lifestyle assessment days or mental health training, as well as health-based incentives like discounted gym memberships.
  • Adopt a caring approach: by adopting a caring and compassionate approach to employees taking time off in emergencies, you may be able to avoid unauthorised or prolonged absences. Although most employees have a statutory right to take time off to care for dependents, or following the death of a loved one, by showing support and understanding this will go a long way to showing your employees you value their wellbeing.
  • Adopt a flexible approach: by adopting a flexible approach to working, for example, through offering employees time off in lieu and/or flexible working time, such as condensed hours, working from home or working part-time, this will help to demonstrate that you value the importance of their personal commitments and trust them to work their hours. In turn, this can help to reduce both work-related stress and absenteeism through an improved work/life balance for your workforce.
  • Offer support during absences: by offering support whilst an employee is off work, whether this be due to illness, stress, bereavement or otherwise, can help to alleviate an employee’s concerns about being absent from work and encourage their speedy return. This, in itself, can also help to prevent repeated absenteeism.



Need assistance?


DavidsonMorris’ specialist HR consultants are experienced in advising employers on workforce management and performance enhancement. This includes reducing absenteeism in the workplace for improved productivity and morale. For more information about how we can help your organisation, speak to us.


Reducing absenteeism in your organisation FAQs


What is absenteeism?

Absenteeism refers to frequent or habitual absence from work, often without a valid reason or prior approval.


How does absenteeism affect businesses?

Absenteeism can reduce productivity, increase costs, lower staff morale, and place additional strain on other employees.


What causes absenteeism?

Common causes include health issues, workplace stress, low engagement, personal problems, and lack of job satisfaction.


How can employers reduce absenteeism?

Employers can address absenteeism by implementing clear absence policies, offering employee support programmes, conducting return-to-work interviews, and fostering a positive work environment.


What is a return-to-work interview?

A return-to-work interview is a discussion between an employer and employee after an absence, aimed at understanding the reason for the absence and planning for future attendance.


Can absenteeism be a sign of workplace issues?

Yes, high absenteeism may indicate problems such as poor management, workplace bullying, or unrealistic workloads.


What legal obligations do employers have?

Employers must comply with laws such as the Equality Act 2010, ensuring reasonable adjustments for employees with disabilities and avoiding discrimination.


Should absenteeism policies include disciplinary measures?

Yes, but policies should balance disciplinary measures with support to address underlying issues causing absences.


How can flexible working reduce absenteeism?

Flexible working arrangements can help employees manage personal responsibilities and reduce stress, leading to improved attendance.




Term Definition
Absenteeism Frequent or habitual absence from work without valid reasons or prior approval.
Return-to-Work Interview A meeting between an employer and an employee after an absence to discuss the reasons and plan future attendance.
Absence Management Policy A formal policy outlining procedures for reporting absences, managing leave, and setting attendance expectations.
Presenteeism The act of being present at work despite illness or other issues, often resulting in reduced productivity.
Workplace Stress Emotional or physical stress caused by workplace demands or conditions, which can lead to absenteeism.
Flexible Working Working arrangements that allow employees to adapt their hours or location, such as remote work or compressed hours.
Reasonable Adjustments Changes made by employers to support employees with disabilities, ensuring they are not disadvantaged at work.
Equality Act 2010 UK legislation that protects individuals from discrimination in the workplace, including provisions for disabled employees.
Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) A confidential service providing employees with support for personal or work-related problems, often including counselling.
Workplace Engagement The level of commitment and enthusiasm employees feel towards their work and organisation.
Occupational Health Services aimed at maintaining employee health and wellbeing, often including assessments and advice on fitness to work.
Disciplinary Procedure A formal process followed by employers to address unacceptable behaviour or poor performance, including absenteeism.
Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) A legal entitlement in the UK for employees who are off work due to illness for four or more consecutive days.



Founder and Managing Director Anne Morris is a fully qualified solicitor and trusted adviser to large corporates through to SMEs, providing strategic immigration and global mobility advice to support employers with UK operations to meet their workforce needs through corporate immigration.

She is a recognised by Legal 500 and Chambers as a legal expert and delivers Board-level advice on business migration and compliance risk management as well as overseeing the firm’s development of new client propositions and delivery of cost and time efficient processing of applications.

Anne is an active public speaker, immigration commentator, and immigration policy contributor and regularly hosts training sessions for employers and HR professionals

About DavidsonMorris

As employer solutions lawyers, DavidsonMorris offers a complete and cost-effective capability to meet employers’ needs across UK immigration and employment law, HR and global mobility.

Led by Anne Morris, one of the UK’s preeminent immigration lawyers, and with rankings in The Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners, we’re a multi-disciplinary team helping organisations to meet their people objectives, while reducing legal risk and nurturing workforce relations.

Read more about DavidsonMorris here


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The matters contained in this article are intended to be for general information purposes only. This article does not constitute legal advice, nor is it a complete or authoritative statement of the law, and should not be treated as such. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is correct at the time of writing, no warranty, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy and no liability is accepted for any error or omission. Before acting on any of the information contained herein, expert legal advice should be sought.

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