Employee Shareholder Status: Complete UK Guide

employee shareholder status

An individual’s employment status will help to determine their rights within the workplace, as well as your responsibilities towards them as their employer. Those with employee shareholder status have received shares in their employer’s company in exchange for giving up certain statutory employment rights. For employers, this type of employment status can be an effective […]

Good Work Plan: Essential Guide for Employers

good work plan

The UK Good Work Plan was introduced as a response to the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices, aiming to improve working conditions and clarify employment rights. It represented a significant reform in UK employment law, affecting both employers and employees across various sectors. The following guide looks at the three main strands of the […]

Same Job Different Pay: Is it Illegal in the UK?

equal pay for equal work

In the UK, equal pay laws are designed to ensure that employees performing the same or similar work receive the same pay, regardless of their gender or other protected characteristics. Under the Equality Act 2010, it is generally illegal to pay employees differently for the same job if the disparity is based on gender, race, […]

When Does Regular Overtime Become Contractual?

when does regular overtime become contractual

The question ‘When does regular overtime become contractual?’ is one that commonly arises within a number of different employment contexts, from whether an employer has the right to insist on an employee working additional hours to when the employee has the right to be paid extra for this. It can also arise when calculating an […]