Global Mobility Issues for the Oil & Gas Sector
Ever-growing energy demands are creating opportunities for mobile workers and their employers in both new and traditional destinations. Together, these locations are all providing fresh challenges for oil and gas HR and global mobility teams as they work to support corporate strategy and provide the highly skilled technical talent required to service rising energy needs […]
Employment Law Issues for the Oil & Gas Sector
The oil and gas sector has always raised complex employment law issues. Large projects, globally mobile workers, extreme conditions and the risk of accidents in what is a truly global industry. Despite the difficulties in the petrochemical market in recent years and against a backdrop of lower oil prices, the oil and gas industry has […]
HR Issues for the Oil & Gas Sector
While HR is fundamentally changing across industries, three key themes are driving disruption in HR specific to the oil and gas sector. The imperative for energy companies remains the pursuit of innovation in workforce planning and operations. Workforce demographic shifts Current workforce demographics place the vast majority of oil and gas workers either older […]