Gender Reassignment Discrimination Guide

gender reassignment discrimination

It is unlawful to treat someone unfairly at work because they intend to undergo, are undergoing or have undergone gender reassignment. It is also unlawful for employers to fail to take timely and appropriate action when others at work discriminate against, bully or harass someone due to gender reassignment. In this guide for employers, we […]

ACAS Shared Parental Leave: Guide for Employers

acas shared parental leave

Eligible employees are entitled to take time off work as shared parental leave (SPL). As an employer, you will need to understand the statutory rights and responsibilities of your employees in relation to SPL and what this means for your business in practice when handling a request for SPL. Shared Parental Leave allows eligible parents […]

UK Post Study Work Visa Options

post study work visa

If you’re an international student in the UK, there are a number of visa routes for you to consider that will allow you to remain in the country after you graduate. Your UK post study visa options will depend largely on your circumstances and your plans for after you finish your course. For example, do […]

How to Apply for a British Passport

apply for british passport

To apply for British passport you must first hold British nationality. However, holding British citizenship does not guarantee you will be issued a British passport. Your eligibility and circumstances will be assessed as part of the application process. Reasons for rejection could include for example any bail conditions or court orders you are subject to. […]

Workplace Investigations: Guide for UK Employers

workplace investigations

The purpose of an HR investigation is to enable the employer to understand the full facts of a matter or incident and allow fair, objective and informed decision-making to bring the matter to a conclusion. But workplace investigations present considerable risks for employers. HR investigations have to be handled fairly and employers should follow ACAS […]

Statutory Notice Period Rules: Employers’ Guide

statutory notice period

Even if you have a valid reason for terminating an employee’s employment contract, you must follow a fair and lawful dismissal procedure. This includes giving an employee any legal notice period or pay-in-lieu-of-notice that they are entitled to. The dismissal process can be complicated legally, requiring careful handling and a thorough understanding of the law. […]

Do You Have To Advertise A Job?

do you have to advertise a job

Advertising a job vacancy is a standard recruitment practice for employers looking for someone to fill a position in their business. This could be where a vacancy has arisen following the departure of an existing employee or because a new role has been created. However, the employer may already have a candidate in mind for […]

Digital Right to Work Checks: UK Employers’ Guide

digital right to work checks

By law, UK employers have to verify that all prospective employees are eligible to work in the UK and have the necessary permission to do the work on offer, regardless of their nationality or ethnic origin. One of the ways that employers can conduct these checks is to use digital right to work checks. Digital […]

4 Day Work Week Pros & Cons

4 day work week

The 4-day work week is a workplace model that condenses the traditional five-day schedule into four working days without reducing employees’ pay. It is designed to improve work-life balance, boost employee satisfaction and enhance productivity. The approach has gained attention in the UK as organisations explore flexible working arrangements to adapt to changing workplace expectations. […]

Talent Management: Optimise Workforce Planning

Talent Management

Your workforce is your organisation’s greatest asset. Effective talent management will allow your company to attract and retain talented individuals, while supporting and nurturing talent in your existing workforce. In doing so, you can enrich every aspect of the businesses operations and significantly cut costs in training and recruitment. Talent management refers to the strategic […]